We have had a bout of illness through this house that has been going on for at least three months now and all of us have suffered from multiple different things at varying times so I have been at home quite a bit in the last few weeks and Pinterest has really been feeling my presence lately especially those few days that I was on bed rest.
There is so much inspiration on that site I have no idea how I am going to do all these wonderful things but here is my pick of the week and four things I am certainly going to do.
Shoes. I love shoes, like I can't tell you how much my love for shoes and bags run, the trouble is I can find nothing that I like anymore and the ones that I do love are way, way, way out of my price range so after seeing this beautiful pair of shoes I have decided that I am going to try my hand at customizing a pair of cheap shoes into a one of a kind pair of me shoes.
Neapolitan mousse cake. Wow, I have no doubt that this would taste amazing but I just love the was that it looks. We have a very good friend come around for dinner every Tuesday night so sometime in the not so distance future I can see this being made.
Photo Letters. Again WOW, I am going to do this for the front entrance of our home it is a sad boring and bare area of the house that needs something to cheer it up, I think this project which not only looks great but seems to be on the cheap side of things is perfect.
Fantasy Direction Sign. Oh my, I would have loved something like this when I was a child. I( was an avid reader and this would have been like the greatest thing ever). We have access to as much and many pallets as we want from my husbands work and we actually have one out the back as we speak. With the help of my Cricut I can see our sign having places like the Enchanted wood, Hogwarts, Never Land and Far Far Away.